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Top 15 Agricultural Events of 2021 (USA and Canada)

Top 15 Agricultural Events of 2021 (USA and Canada)

2021 is finally here, and it’s a year that’ll certainly set the tone in the world of technology and innovation applied to agriculture. It comes as a new opportunity to offer alternatives that allow to successfully resume and relaunch everything related to agricultural production in diverse regions of the world, especially in the United States and Canada, where several agricultural events will be held not only on-site but also through the use of diverse online platforms.

This initiative aims to advertise and promote the technological trends and innovations that’ll be implemented throughout the year to improve agricultural processes regionally and around the world.

As it happens every year, there will be a series of versatile activities such as fairs, exhibitions, and congresses, which agricultural producers will be able to schedule to make the most of the experience, as well as to establish new contacts and professional alliances.

Below, there’s a list of some of the most emblematic agricultural events that’ll take place in the United States and Canada during 2021, according to information published on the website 10times.

Check the updated list of agricultural events in Canada for 2023.

Check the updated list of agricultural events in the United States for 2023.

In this article, you’ll find:

  • Events for the first quarter of the year
  • Events for the second quarter of the year
  • Events for the third quarter of the year

So, write down the information regarding the fairs, congresses or exhibitions that stand out the most to you. Also, at the end of the post, you’ll be able to download a PDF with all these events marked on the map so that you don’t miss a thing.

In addition to these events, we also remind you that you can visit our webinars section where you can find interesting material related to temporary grain storage solutions, biodegradable crop support twine, polyethene covers and specific applications in greenhouses, soil treatments using total impermeable films and barrier films and their effect on fodder.

Agricultural events during the first quarter of 2021:

  • International Production & Processing Expo: Atlanta, USA. January 25-29

One of the most important trade fairs, especially for those who work closely for the meat, poultry, and balanced feed industries. The exhibition will disclose the new market trends and innovation processes available to support agricultural producers from around the world.

This is an excellent opportunity to bring together buyers and sellers from several regions, who are responsible for showing the technological innovations that can be effectively implemented to promote products and services, as well as to achieve a higher level of success for businesses.

  • The Pacific Agriculture Show: Abbotsford, Canada. January 28-30

This international trade exhibition specially designed for the agricultural sector presents the latest technology and the most innovative equipment that can be used to enhance the world’s agricultural industry.

The goal is for thousands of agri-food producers and farmers to come together to compare and find out about the new trends available to make their work more efficient.

  • World AG EXPO: Online. February 9-11

One of the most popular agricultural events in the United States. This exhibition that’ll be held online this year, it’s an excellent opportunity for companies around the world to promote their chemicals and agricultural products such as fertilizers, machinery, supplies for livestock, a wide variety of seeds, as well as services related to crop production.

  • AG EXPO: Lethbridge, Canada. February 24-26

The most important agricultural fair in Canada and certainly one or of the most attractive agricultural events where the audience can find a wide variety of agricultural products such as natural fertilizers, agricultural equipment and machinery, livestock supplies, chemical products, seeds, crops and livestock production services and commercialisation thereof, as well as marketing services and livestock products.

  • Webinar on Agriculture & Food Chemistry: Online. March 3-4

A webinar to address the latest innovations and technological developments in agriculture and food science. The topics will include the chemistry of food and agriculture, and the application of scientific principles to form and maintain an increasingly healthy food source.

Agricultural events during the second quarter of 2021:

  • International Conference on Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering: New York, USA. June 3-4

A conference to discuss the latest innovations, trends, and concerns of today’s market, as well as the practical challenges encountered and the solutions adopted in the field of Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering.

  • Canada’s Farm Progress Show: Regina, Canada. June 15-17

An event that connects local producers with international clients interested in learning about the latest in terms of equipment, technology, and innovation for dry farming.

The fair will showcase many agricultural products and equipment, agricultural technologies, production equipment, and agricultural accessories with the presence of agricultural reporters from the agricultural and forestry industries.

  • New England Food Show: Boston, USA. June 27-29

This is an international runway that brings together in one place the food industry and restaurants from around the world.

The food and hotel industries have the opportunity to promote themselves and connect with other companies worldwide at this event, while taking advantage of the opportunity for training, especially for the younger generations.

There will be seminars and also spaces for tasting.

Agricultural events during the third quarter of 2021:

  • Food and Agri Executive Management Program: New York, USA. July 11-22

A good alternative to support established or emerging global agricultural organizations and professionals to learn about trends, innovations and the best practices in the agriculture, food and nutrition industry.

  • International Conference on Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering: Montreal, Canada. July 25-27

A conference that seeks to bring together leading academic scientists, professors, researchers, and students to exchange and share their experiences and research results in the area of agricultural engineering and biosystems, as well as to discuss the latest innovations, trends, concerns and challenges in this field.

  • Minnesota Farmfest: Morgan, USA. August 3-5

One of the world’s largest agricultural events connecting industry-leading manufacturers and suppliers with the decision-makers. The best products and services on the market will be exhibited to the audience coming from all counties in Minnesota.

  • World Dairy Expo: Wisconsin, USA. September 28 to October 2

Another agricultural event par excellence specially designed for milk producers around the world. The event will include the trendiest technological innovations in the field of human consumption products, best practices for milk production, as well as in the area of animal health inputs, milking methods and fodder techniques.

Agricultural events during the fourth quarter of 2021:

  • Canadian Greenhouse Conference: Niagara Falls, Canada. October 6-7

It’s one of the main events connecting Canada with commercial producers of controlled-environment crops. The conference seeks to attract producers from North America and bring together experts from around the world to demonstrate production techniques, research, products, and innovation technology.

  • Agri-Trade Equipment Expo: Red Deer, Canada. November 10-12

The objective of the exhibition is to raise awareness about technological developments and innovations in the agricultural sector. Here you can find the best agricultural equipment to do business in North America, aside from the support of the main equipment retailers in the region.

  • The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair: Toronto, Canada. November 13

The largest agricultural indoor fair hopes to raise awareness among those interested in agriculture, as well as agricultural producers, about the latest techniques and discoveries that are currently being developed in the area of cultivation.

Farmers around the world will have the opportunity to actively participate in this international exhibition.

We invite you to subscribe to our newsletter to have information about all upcoming events and webinars. If you have any questions regarding agricultural plastics, we remind you that you can contact our experts.

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