![[eBook] Sustainable horticultural twine and baling twine solutions](https://agriplasticscommunity.com/wp-content/uploads/7_550x310_ENG-150x150.png)
![[eBook] Sustainable horticultural twine and baling twine solutions](https://agriplasticscommunity.com/wp-content/uploads/7_550x310_ENG-150x150.png)
![[eBook] Sustainable horticultural twine and baling twine solutions](https://agriplasticscommunity.com/wp-content/uploads/7_550x310_ENG-150x150.png)
Cultivating using greenhouses is an activity that has been developed for decades thanks to its countless benefits, not only for the land itself but also for the crops, as they contribute to improving the quality of the products, allowing producers to take full advantage of environmental factors to obtain food that’s consistent in quality and yield as well as being available almost all year round.
While cultivating crops using these closed protective structures is a great alternative, temperature control in greenhouses requires a lot of attention so that the heat and humidity produced inside the structure don’t end up being detrimental, compromising the integrity of the crop.
One of the reasons why many agricultural producers worldwide prefer to use greenhouses is because this method gives them the ability to control the environment of the crops such as berries crops by creating a sort of “artificial” microclimate that responds to the specific requirements of each region. In this way, the adverse climate conditions can be eluded at convenience to minimize the impact of strong winds, rain, pests and sudden temperature changes for example.
Another aspect that makes greenhouses popular is the short-term and long-term yield of crops because, when compared to outdoor crops, crops in greenhouses allow to:
Good temperature control in greenhouses is possible as long as the necessary measures are taken to guarantee that crops thrive in an ideal environment.
Controlling moisture levels must be one of the priorities of agricultural producers since it’s one of the crucial factors to create an ideal microclimate within greenhouses. When there are extremely high or low temperatures within the structure the environment becomes very humid, which generates stress on the plants, making them more prone to pests, fungi, and mould. Therefore, fostering a balanced environment is essential for crops to improve their yield and absorb more nutrients through increased perspiration rate.
In a more harmonious greenhouse environment, plants can be directed towards a specific growth cycle, obtaining products that are larger, tastier, with better texture and colour, while reducing the harvest period in comparison to outdoor crops.
Today, farmers face certain challenges to achieve the ideal temperature in greenhouses that will help them operate properly:
With proper ventilation the entry of carbon dioxide (CO2) is achieved so it can incorporate into the greenhouse environment, allowing plants that have been under the effects of herbicides, root diseases or other aggressive treatments to increase their capacity to recover.
Ventilation also increases the incorporation of oxygen into the water contained in croplands, helping plant roots to develop more effective respiratory processes that prevent root asphyxiation and the subsequent death of plant tissue.
Ventilating greenhouses reinforces the treatments against Phytophtora infestans, Botrytis, Sclerotinia and most fungi and bacteria present in the air. Better control of the ventilation in greenhouses can be done using curtains, modifying planting frames, trimming specific areas of cultivation, or even using fans.
This is especially true during the winter season when temperatures drop considerably, causing moisture saturation inside the greenhouse and greater condensation of the environment’s water vapour collected in liquid form on the leaf surface.
As long as the moisture level is not under control, the risk of the onset of microbes and fungal diseases increases. Controlled irrigation moistens the environment of the greenhouse and allows to release the air of the soil, produced by the roots of the plants, which feeds the process of photosynthesis.
When the sun’s radiation is excessive it causes internal and external burns to the plant’s tissues as a result of oxidation. With a massive photosynthesis rate, chlorophyll molecules become overexcited, causing what is known as sunstroke that makes flowers fall out and fruit burn. When radiation is low, there is a build-up of auxins that induces the elongation of the plant and the creation of longer internodes.
During cold seasons, solar radiation contributes to increase soil temperature and improve root breathing functions, while evaporating dissolved water molecules in the greenhouse environment and minimizing moisture. On the contrary, during hot seasons it is advisable to shade the crops to increase moisture levels and optimize the values of stomal conductance that help increase net photosynthesis rate and improve the carbon cycle throughout the plants.
The plasticulture used in greenhouses has many benefits and one of the advantages of using plastic films in these structures, especially those with photoselective properties, is that you can have better control of the environmental and climatic factors that affect the crops.
There are crops such mushrooms that, unlike others, require a lower incidence of sunlight and greater freshness to be able to thrive, so it is necessary to be more careful to prevent solar radiation from having an adverse effect that could end up compromising the integrity of the crop.
On the contrary, grape crops require different treatment, since they need a higher incidence of sunlight to guarantee rapid growth, a more attractive appearance and a sweeter taste.
Several methods can be implemented for proper temperature control in greenhouses, such as the use of fans and vents, wet walls to cool the environment in areas with excessive heat, shade cloths, misting and radiant heating. It will all depend on the specific requirements of the region and the type of crop you want to sow.
However, many agricultural producers agree that greenhouses consume a lot of energy to function properly, which is why there is a current trend that seeks to reduce this energy consumption by innovating and proposing new alternatives that will allow future cost reductions. To learn more about this topic, we recommend you read our article on how to reduce energy costs in greenhouses in Canada.
Juan Antonio García, Product Manager of the Greenhouse Cover Division in the Armando Álvarez Group, states that thanks to the use of plastic covers made from polythene in greenhouses, successful crops have been achieved in several parts of the world, more specifically in Chile and Peru, where cherry and grape crops have managed to thrive optimally, increasing their production to meet the regional demand and expand to other regions of the globe.
For more information about the topic, we recommend watching the webinar presented by Garcia, where you will find important data about how plastic films have played a decisive role in the success of these crops through greenhouses.