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Polyethylene Covers and Specific Applications in Greenhouses

Webinar Episode 3

We invite you to watch this webinar about “Polyethylene Covers and Specific Applications in Greenhouses” presented by our in-house expert in greenhouse and plastic films sector, Juan García.


Why we consider Polyethylene covers so important:

  • Harvest advance and lengthening (extension of the crop cycle)
  • Physical protection/reduction of crop losses (rain, hail, wind, frost)
  • Crops (fruits, vegetables, flowers, etc) quality
  • Productivity increase
You'll learn:
  • Evolution of polyethylene covers to the present day
  • Current situation and main challenges: global population growth and cultural trends towards healthier food
  • Plastic greenhouses solutions in the world to cultivate berries, flowers, fruits, vegetables, cannabis and other solutions such as aquaculture, coffee or cocoa dryers, agricultural warehouses, biomining or water desalination.
  • Case studies of cultivating under plastic covers
At the end of the webinar there is a Q&A session where Juan García answer frequent doubts about this topic.

About Speakers

Foto Juan Antonio García_ByN copy

Juan Antonio García Collado

Product Manager
Armando Alvarez Group

More about Juan Antonio

More than 20 years of experience in the agricultural sector, specialized in polyethylene covers and their different applications worldwide.

As Product Manager of Armando Alvarez Group I have had the opportunity to know and evaluate real problems of agricultural producers who need solutions to make their crops more productive, harvest off-season to make their business more profitable and fight against the inclemencies of nature to protect their crops. This has taken me to more than 50 countries like France, Mexico, Turkey, among others where we have successfully implemented the different plastic cover solutions we have in the market.

The possibility of visiting different crops in various geographical areas has allowed me to design best practices and case studies that also allow us to improve the manufacture of our products to adapt to customer needs and transfer this knowledge to other producers who face similar difficulties in their crops.

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