![[eBook] Sustainable horticultural twine and baling twine solutions](https://agriplasticscommunity.com/wp-content/uploads/7_550x310_ENG-150x150.png)
![[eBook] Sustainable horticultural twine and baling twine solutions](https://agriplasticscommunity.com/wp-content/uploads/7_550x310_ENG-150x150.png)
![[eBook] Sustainable horticultural twine and baling twine solutions](https://agriplasticscommunity.com/wp-content/uploads/7_550x310_ENG-150x150.png)
Globally, the rose is considered one of the most beautiful flowers thanks to its charming and special appearance, the aroma and texture of its petals, as well as the wide variety of options and colours that are currently available on the market. But, growing roses has its tricks and even though it can be quite profitable in terms of its growth, it can also be one of the most difficult crops, so their intense and permanent management is essential to obtain quality flowers.
In this post you will find some important tips for growing roses, the care that must be implemented in the fields to prevent the appearance of unwanted pests, the benefits of using agricultural plastics in areas chosen for the cultivation of roses and other additional details that will serve as the basis for growing flowers that are strong and full of life.
Roses can be found almost anywhere, and their popularity allows them to be recognized with the naked eye. It doesn’t come as a surprise that today there is a wide variety of classes of roses as a result of hundreds of years of evolution and transformations through human actions, being common for many horticulturists to spend many years researching and looking for alternatives to create new custom roses with specific features. However, knowing how to grow roses is something that requires a lot of attention and dedication.
While there are studies that agree that the rose root ball can be planted without inconveniences in any season of the year, horticulturists recommend to so in Spring since the climate is milder and temperate. Also, they recommend to fully disinfect the land and treat it well before proceeding to sow in order to prevent the arrival of unwanted pests that end up compromising the integrity of the flowers and damaging them from the beginning.
A common doubt that arises is what should be the ideal temperature to grow roses, and horticulturists agree that even though there is a great variety of roses and sometimes it is difficult to set an average for all types, the ideal climate is temperatures that don’t drop below 14 or 15 degrees Celsius at night and don’t rise above 27 or 28 degrees during the day. This will allow a better and healthier development of the flowers.
One of the positive aspects of rose bushes is the fact that they don’t need large amounts of water to be able to prosper so, a balanced irrigation is recommended, which means not letting them die of thirst, but not watering them in excess either, because you have the risk of growing fungi and other unwanted pests with excessive irrigation.
An effective tool that is becoming more popular is the use of mulching plastic films placed around the rose bushes to be able to water the ground very well once a week. You can also use drip irrigation systems to keep the rose bushes hydrated. The type of water used won’t make any difference, but fresh, clean water that comes from a well is always the best.
As we know, all living beings need light since light is life, and rose bushes are no exception. If the goal is to have well-developed rose bushes, it is best to take advantage of sunlight as much as possible. However, it is necessary to be cautious, especially when the summer season arrives since day-time temperatures tend to rise substantially, causing irreversible damage to rose bushes in the blink of an eye.
That’s why some producers prefer to grow roses using high-tech greenhouses that are often equipped with heating and cooling systems, providing the required humidity and controlling temperatures to avoid any surprises.
Roses are often grown on inert substrates or lands, usually in perlite with hydroponic systems. In northern European countries they use artificial lighting and coal fertilization for production. The use of this type of greenhouse is supported by the increase in production associated with the use of these technologies, which minimize problems that arise in unfavourable climates for growing periods at the same time.
This aspect can sometimes be overlooked or considered secondary, but it represents a fundamental factor. So, when you are looking for a good place to grow roses you must consider what the wind is like in that area.
Points where there are strong gusts of winds, especially from the north, should be avoided since they could end up breaking the branches, tearing off the flowers and causing serious damage to the plant in general. One way to avoid this is to protect the roses by placing them behind some trees or bushes that can serve as windshields, as well as on walls, fences and trellises. Another way to help the flowers withstand the wind is by placing some rods that serve as a guide and support to make them grow upright.
It can certainly contribute to significantly improve the cultivation of roses in greenhouses, resulting in a production of higher quality and therefore much more profitable, with plants that grow in an optimal way.
One of the most recommended plastics is the Indasol Tritermic, made by Grupo Armando Álvarez, a Spanish company with a factory of agricultural plastics located in the United States, especially to enhance the entry of light into the greenhouse and maintain the temperature at night. Other recommended plastics can be the TRC Premium.
By decreasing the presence of condensation and presence of drops on the plastic and since its plastic sheet is clear, more light enters, avoiding the reflection effect, which increases the warmth in the interior of the greenhouse, especially in the early hours of the day. Aside from its reinforced action against ultraviolet rays and pesticides, which makes it especially suitable for this type of crop. If you wish to have further information about these anti-drip plastic films we recommend you read the Case Study of the use of anti-drip films on a flower farm in Monterey Bay, California.
It is something that requires a lot of attention because like all plants, rose bushes are at risk of being attacked by garden pests that not only can make them sick, but also can lead to their death. There are many pests that become present like fungi produced by excess moisture, hence the importance of implementing the right amount of irrigation.
There is also the red spider, one of the most feared by horticulturists, as it spreads quickly causing very serious damage to the flowers. One way to prevent it is to keep the rose bushes hydrated and fumigate them twice a month.
Another known pest is the green aphid, a tiny insect that attacks the flowers buds. Experts often use a mixture of boiled water with crushed garlic and pour it into the plants to add sulphate to them.
But, did you know that there are several ways to classify roses? Yes, and one of the most commonly used methods is to divide them between ancient roses (types of roses grown until 1867) and modern roses (types of roses grown from 1867).
Another way is to determine those roses born wildly -without the intervention of men- or those cultivated in gardens born in an environment where temperature, water and substrates are controlled. For example, within the range of wild roses you can find the damascene, the canine or the gallica, while the Chinese rose, tea rose, and dawn rose are obtained in a controlled manner.
Another somewhat easier way to classify roses is by their colour, among which stand out the red, pink, white and the peculiar bi-colour roses.
Today there are many organic greenhouse flower growers who are passionate about using natural methods to grow roses, without chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers, which aren’t entirely negative, but belittle organic cultivation. Therefore, these producers lean towards having organic flower crops where they only use natural pest repellents and natural fertilizers like compost tea, which is ideal for organically feeding these flowers.
Every day more organic crops have a broader market that demands organic flowers, so it is necessary for horticulturists to try to expand their possibilities to use raw materials that allow them to significantly improve these crops. Choosing the variety of rose to grow will depend on the area and its ability to withstand pests and diseases typical of each region. To learn more about this topic we recommend reading about the Cut Flower Industry in the United States.